Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Mental Illness Of Schizophrenia - 1200 Words
Merriam – Webster’s Medical dictionary describes mental illnesses as â€Å"any of a broad range of medical conditions that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning.†Today almost more than sixty million people in America have some form of mental illness, but only few actually seek treatment.One of the many mental illnesses is Schizophrenia, a very serious disorder which affects how a person acts, feels, and thinks. Some people with the illness cannot even tell the difference between things that are real and things that are imaginary. In the United States at least 2.2 million people suffer from schizophrenia .Many famous people such as Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo, and Abraham Lincoln’s wife Mary Todd Lincoln suffered from schizophrenia. This essay is going to discuss the many things that happen when you are Schizophrenic and how you can treat this horrible mental illness. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects one percent of the world’s population. Schizophrenia is describes as an illness characterized by psychotic symptoms and significant interpersonal dysfunction that lasts for at least six months. Psychotic refers to symptoms that reveal a destruction in a person’s inability to comprehendShow MoreRelatedIs Schizophrenia A Mental Illness?1726 Words  | 7 Pages SCHIZOPHRENIA Kennya Castro â€Æ' Schizophrenia is a mental illness that plagues about 1 out of every 100 Americans. Despite this fact, most of the general public remains ignorant to the basic pathology of the disease and the mechanisms of identifying and treating it. It is considered by some to be a â€Å"scary†mental illness and is often ignored, when compared to the other equally serious and caustic ones like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (also referred to as GAD), ADHD, and Chronic Depression. ThisRead MoreThe Mental Illness of Schizophrenia2374 Words  | 9 Pages Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by psychosis , apathy and social withdrawal in combination with cognitive impairment, abnormalities that cause substantial disruptions in performance work , school, family and recreation. Among psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia is the most disabling disease and demand a disproportionate amount of resources to health . However, there have been considerable advances in the treatment and at pres ent many sufferers can lead a reasonably normal life.Read MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Illness Essay1270 Words  | 6 PagesSchizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, decision making, and relate to others. It’s a long-term medical illness affecting 1% of Americans. The causes of schizophrenia include genetics, environment, brain chemistry, and substance abuse. Schizophrenia occurs roughly in 10%of people who have a first-degree relative with the disorder such as a parent or sibling. (NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | What is SchizophreniaRead MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Illness1538 Words  | 7 PagesSchizophrenia is a mental illness that is in a very small amount of the population, 1 in 100 people (1% of the population). Symptoms of schizophrenia include, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, not much emotion if any is present, as well as speech and socializations issues. Ways to treat schizophrenia are very limited to antipsychotic drugs and therapy. Although there is not o ne cause to this illness found, there are many factors that explain the cause or result in havingRead MoreImproving Schizophrenia With Mental Illness1591 Words  | 7 PagesImproving Schizophrenia with Risperdal Mental illness affects millions of people every day. One of the most debilitating forms of mental illness is schizophrenia. The Oxford dictionary defines schizophrenia as; A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentationRead MoreIs Schizophrenia A Disorder Of Mental Illness?809 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a disorder of mental illness. Another way to describe this disorder is to lost the touch with reality. Schizophrenia is less common than any other mental disorder; therefore, treatments can be different. This disease is likely to occur between age of 16 to 30, or may develops in children if problem occurs during the birth. In that regard, a person with the schizophrenia suffers six months or a month or less, if proper treatments given. One of theRead MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Illness1388 Words  | 6 PagesSchizophrenia is a â€Å"serious mental disorder characterised by severe disruptions in psychological functioning and a loss of contact with reality†(Meldrum Wilson, 2009). The main question that arises from the many studies looking at schizophrenia and violence is does schizophrenia itself make an individual violent or are there other factors from the mental illness that contribute to this? According to Fazel, Guati, Linsell, Geddes and Grahn (2009), before the 1980’s many people made no connectionRead MoreIs Schizophrenia A Serious Mental Illness?934 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, long-term medical illness Affects about 1% of Americans. The average age of onset tends to be in the late teens to the early 20s for men, and the late 20s to early 30s for women. Patho We do not completely understand the patho of the disease however, Neuroimaging studies show differences between the brainsRead MoreSchizophrenia: A Chronic Mental Illness2452 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction Stress serves as a major risk and complicating factor for any illness, regardless of presenting symptoms (Elliott and Einsdorfer 1982; Hatfield and Lefley 2007; Nicholson and Neufeld 2002). For a chronic mental illness as complex as schizophrenia, the impact of environmental stress is particularly important to consider. The Stress-Diathesis Model (or Vulnerability Stress Model) places schizophrenia in the context of both biological and environmental (psychosocial) risk factors (ZubinRead MoreSchizophrenia: Categorizing Mental Illness2043 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿Mental illnesses have been recognized and acknowledged for thousands of years, but the way they had once been treated and handled differ from the way they are dealt with today. There was a point in time where all mental illnesses were thought of as one and they were treated in a similar way. Many theories were associated with the cause of these mental disorders and many of them today are deemed as obnoxious. Emil Kraeplin, a German physician was one of the first to categorize mental disorders
Monday, December 23, 2019
Fetus Digestion in China Folklore or Reality - 1301 Words
FOETAL CANNIBALISM ; A PILL OF BEAUTY ?!! What and why? Confucius, the Chinese philosopher ever said ‘All people are the same; it’s only their habits that are different’. Why is it like that? At first point, one’s habit comes from their culture and it is obviously related to the background of the society. An easy sociological equation for it is, different background of society equals to different culture. According to E.B. Taylor,1913 culture as ‘that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral, custom, law and other capabilities and habits acquire by man as a member of society.’ His opinion about the definition of culture was agreed by the other sociologist as the most precise meaning compared to the rest. Since it was related to knowledge and belief, it is practise by some group of people for a reason. Yet, what about foetal cannibalism, it is rational for a society to allow and encourage people to do whatever they must do in order to be sexually desirable? In order t o look young and beauty, they need to murder and the terrible part is to let themselves to be a cannibal, by consuming an innocent foetus. From Fruit Chan’s short film, Dumplings the three Asian directors had decided to unrevealed the most true culture to life scenario that contain many of the traditional elements, which is about the continuation of society’s perception on the invisible line between rejection of the abject and the assimilation of this culture into our
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Oedipus Complex in Hamlet Free Essays
Oedipus Complex in Hamlet In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s personality can be explained by the Oedipus Complex. Throughout the play there are many times where he proves that he has Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex was not around at the time that that Hamlet was written. We will write a custom essay sample on Oedipus Complex in Hamlet or any similar topic only for you Order Now It just shows that Shakespeare saw the same personality complex’ as Freud. Freud first named the Oedipus Complex Theory in his book , An Interpretation of Dreams, in 1899. Freud states â€Å"The child takes both of its parents, and more particularly one of them, as the object of its erotic wishes. Freud explains that it is normal to have sexual desires for the parent of the opposite sex. These are normal in children and usually dissipate after the age of five. When these sexual desires do not go away and they continue into adulthood this is when someone would be considered to have an Oedipus Complex. When there is a sexual desire for the mother, as Hamlet did, a rivalry is formed between the father and the son. Hamlet’s father is in a form of a ghost, that only he can communicate with. He was murdered while Hamlet was away at school. When he returns he finds his mother, Gertrude, remarried to his father’s brother Claudius. This infuriates Hamlet, and brings out his repressed Oedipus Complex. This drives Hamlet crazy. He is consumed and outraged by this incestuous marriage. Now I use the word incestuous because in those days it was considered incest to marry your husband’s brother. What needs to be explained is exactly what Hamlet it is upset over. It is to be assumed that he is outraged because Claudius has replaced his own father’s place next to his mother. This is not the case. Hamlet is upset because Claudius has taken his place next to his mother. Hamlet’s deepest wish is to be king and his mother, Gertrude, queen. Thus proving the Oedipus Complex theory further. Children will have feeling of hate toward the parent of the same sex this theory states. Hamlet has many hateful tendencies towards both of his fathers, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, and Claudius. We know from reading the play that Hamlet’s father was not affectionate or spend any quality time with him. He spent a lot of time at war. Although he had anger towards him, he could never show it. He repressed it. For Claudius on the other hand, Hamlet’s feelings of hatred are expressed much more openly. Hamlet internally fights with his feelings towards Claudius. His father has come to him as a ghost, telling him that Claudius is responsible for his murder. Hamlet must avenge his father, but struggles to do so. Subconsciously, Hamlet identifies with Claudius. Hamlet envies Claudius for killing his father and taking his position next to Gertrude. This is everything Hamlet has subconsciously wanted to do. So in essence he cannot kill Claudius because, in part, he would be killing himself. Hamlet is consumed with thoughts of his mother having sexual relations with Claudius. A very significant part of the play is Act III Scene IV. This is where Hamlet and his mother meet in her closet. The closet is very meaningful because this signifies hiding. The bedroom is significant because this is where private situations occur. Maybe Shakespeare played out this important scene in the bedroom to show the sexual feelings Hamlet has for his mother. In this scene Hamlet confronts his mother about her relationship with Claudius. He does not come off as a son asking concerning questions towards his mother. He acts jealous while he asks her how she can stand to be touched by him. These are not normally son to mother questions. He is explicit in what he says and concentrates of her sexual acts between her and Claudius. You could explain it more as an obsession. At the end of this scene it is obvious that Hamlet is jealous of the attention Gertrude is giving Claudius. Hamlet, as a child, would have found pleasure in these feelings towards his mother, but now it is a feeling of disgust. This further proves the Oedipus Complex Theory. Hamlet is so consumed with his mother’s relationship with Claudius. He in turns shows similar feelings towards Ophelia. He toys with her emotions as he feels Gertrude toys with his. Throughout the play Hamlet is struggling with his repressed feelings towards his mother, his hatred for his fathers, and avenging his father. The same reason he could never act out on his hatred for his father is the same reason he must avenge him. It is his moral code. He struggles with avenging his father though because he is so focused on the incestuous relationship between his mother and Claudius. He can’t truly avenge his father until Gertrude dies. At that time the Oedipus Complex is released and he is able to carry out his duties and kill Claudius. How to cite Oedipus Complex in Hamlet, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Virtual Reality ICV Development Programme
Question: Write about theVirtual Realityfor ICV Development Programme. Answer: In country value strategy refers to what is retained in the country out of all that is spent. This helps to benefit businesses by stimulating productivity. (ICV Development Programme-Home). Since the demand for workers with various skills is on the rise, virtual reality is essential for training purposes. Virtual reality can be used to train people on various skill needed within the economy. With the help of virtual reality, jobs such as video producers, game developers can be created. A lot of funds meant for training will also be saved. These funds can then be channeled to other various areas of the economy of the Omani people for investment. According to Seo, et al (2017) Virtual reality help create more jobs by enabling people to explore hypothetical situations (p. 347). Works Cited ICV Development Programme - Home". Incountryvalueoman.net. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 May 2017. Seo, J. H., Smith, B., Cook, M., Pine, M., Malone, E., Leal, S., Suh, J. (2017, March). Anatomy builder VR: Applying a constructive learning method in the virtual reality canine skeletal system. In Virtual Reality (VR), 2017 IEEE (pp. 399-400). IEEE.
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